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Member Since 2015-01
Magic Dental Clinic
Product Catalog » Dental Endodontic
Total 7 products in category of Dental Endodontic
Show: 30 items
Apical Surgery

Apical Surgery 2014-10-07 01:26:23

Apical surgery includes apical curettage, apectomy, and apapical filling. The main purpose of above surgeries is to clean and remove some tissue around apical area. ...

Root Canal Tooth

Root Canal Tooth 2014-10-07 01:26:06

During microscope root canal therapy, specialist extends temperately pulp chamber, and applies tiny device to remove the cell which has been infected. The system of r ...

Root Canal Treatments

Root Canal Treatments 2014-10-07 01:25:53

Nerve pumping treatment is one of the well-known names of root canal therapy. The main purpose is to reserve teeth, and its function. Suck out all the nerve in that t ...

Root Canal Recovery

Root Canal Recovery 2014-10-07 01:25:38

Magic dental offers electron microscope. Specialist of root canal therapy extends temperately pulp chamber, and applies tiny device to remove the cell which has been ...

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy 2014-10-07 01:25:19

Root canal therapy is to maintain the health of periodontal, alveolar, and cementocyte. We care the long-term healthy and the function. Gingival infection or due to ...

Root Canal Surgery

Root Canal Surgery 2014-10-07 01:25:03

If gingival nerves get chronic necrosis, shrinkage or aging by long period of stimulus, the root canal of teeth will get calcified and blocked. However, there are ple ...

Calcified Root Canal

Calcified Root Canal 2014-10-07 01:24:38

Calcify is one of the difficulties of root canal. It is very difficult to explain how it happened, but there are three reasons for calcify problem: 1● Gingival will ...