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wetsalted cattle hides, wetblue leather, wetblue splits,trimming, head hides - w98369

wetsalted cattle hides, wetblue leather, wetblue splits,trimming, head hides

Item No.: w98369
Supplier Details
Country: Russian Federation
State: Moscow
City: Moscow
Address: St. Gayvoronovskogo, 20
TEL: 7-906-3990966
Fax: 7-906-3992296
Online Showroom: 1 Products

We have the best quality merchandise, assortment and quantity.

We are sells these goods.

Product 1 - Wet Blue Cow Splits

-Thickness : from 1,5 mm to 3,5 + mm

- Average size: from 17,22 SqFt  per Hides to up 

- Average weight: from 4,37 kg per Hides to up

Product 2 - Wet Blue Bull Splits 

-Thickness: from 1,65 mm to 3,5+ mm

- Average size: from 19,62 SqFt per Hides to up

- Average weight : from 5,14 Kg per Hides to up

Product 3 - Wet Blue Leather

Wetblue Leather (Bull, Cow and Calf)

- Selection: A, B, C, D

- Thickness: from 1,5 mm  to 3,5 + mm per Hides

Product 4 - Wetsalted Hides

- Wetsalted Calf Hides - Ranging : from 6 to 22 kg

- Wetsalted Cow Hides - Ranging : from 17 to 30 + kg

- Wetsalted Bull Hides - Ranging : from 22 to 42 + kg

Product 5 - Trimming

Pieces from wet salted Bull, Cow and Calf Hides

Product 6 - Head Hides

Head Hides from Bull, Cow and Calf

All goods are European Breed

We have been successful in establishing our brand and sale to the international market due to our excellent quality and service of

wetsalted cattle hides, wetblue leather, wetblue splits,trimming, head hides

. Delivering the best quality products conforming to the cultural needs of the client is the ultimate goal of us.