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Member Since 2016-09
Product Catalog » Machine Room Less Elevator
Total 4 products in category of Machine Room Less Elevator
Show: 50 items
MRL Elevator Hydraulic System

MRL Elevator Hydraulic System 2017-12-25 00:42:53

Hydraulic system is one of lift system of machine-room-less elevators. Elevators which use this system do not need machine rooms to store traction machines, so it can ...

MRL Elevator Worm Gear

MRL Elevator Worm Gear 2017-12-28 10:09:45

To install traditional elevators have to build machine rooms right above their hoistways, which affecting the appearance of the building. Machine-room-less elevators ...

MRL Elevator PM Motor

MRL Elevator PM Motor 2017-12-25 00:43:07

Permanent magnet motor with no gear can be used at machine-room-less elevator due to it is small enough to install at the hoistway. The installation of pm motor is co ...

MRL Elevator

MRL Elevator 2017-12-25 00:43:14

Along with the advancement of controlling technology, now we have more and more choice of motor. Because of that, machine room-less elevators were brought into the ma ...